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Want to put a smile on your face? Google images for summer vacations and take a look at what’s out there! Beaches, mountains, water parks, national parks, white-water rafting, arts…
In the summer of 1985, I was a sports writer in Tampa and an athlete I used to write about invited me to lunch to discuss a new professional summer…
There is a significant social, cultural and economic change happening so quietly in America that you may not even be aware of it: Multi-generational family living is back. Multi-what? Multi-generational…
By most accounts, the United States economy had a glowing year in 2014. Unemployment was down, spending was up, housing prices continued to bounce back and gas prices plunged to…
Billy Sexton is not a frugal man. In fact, he chuckles at the idea of cutting corners to save money. “I’m the guy who believes you get what you pay…
The day of reckoning is fast approaching for annual budgets and it may not be a good one for people who rely on credit cards. Annual bills often collide with…
Get ready America, the Holiday Shopping Circus is rolling into your town again this year and no one is immune from the excitement it generates. Least of all someone with…
What settles arguments in your house: Facts or opinion? That seems like a loaded, but relatively easy question. Facts win, right? Well, sometimes. A study by Dartmouth College suggested that…
Tamara Holleman wants a new car and at first glance, she could easily afford one. Holleman and her husband work in the medical profession, bring home comfortable incomes, live in…
The average credit score for American consumers is at an all-time high, but will almost surely go higher within the next year as credit bureaus and government tinker with one…
- Erb, K. (2014, July 7) The Real Cost Of Summer Vacation: Don’t Get Buried In Taxes.