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Interest rates will not budge

Interest Rates Probably Not Budging in 2016

By Bill Fay | July 13, 2016

During Alan Greenspan’s nearly 20-year reign as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, commentators used to look at the heft of the briefcase he carried to meetings to guess whether interest…

CFPB changes rules regarding payday loans

Payday Loans Face Tough Rule Changes from CFPB

By Bill Fay | June 9, 2016

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed new rules aimed at putting more responsibility on payday loan lenders and their crippling triple-digit interest rates. The CFPB proposals would require lenders…

American families are having trouble with understanding finance

Financial Literacy a Tough Test for Most Americans

By Bill Fay | May 24, 2016

The latest trends in spending and debt indicate that America already has forgotten any lessons we might have learned when the bubble burst on the U.S. economy in 2008. The…

Eiffel Tower in Paris

Frugal Man Goes To Paris

By Bill Fay | May 4, 2016

If you’re wondering whether a summer vacation is worth it, ask your doctor, not your accountant. Every medical study ever done on the subject concludes that summer vacations – especially…

Auto Sales Slow Because of New Legislation

New Legislation May Slow Record-Breaking Car Sales

By Bill Fay | November 25, 2015

Analysts predict record-setting sales for the automobile industry over the next year, though feuding between government leaders over whether discrimination exists in car financing could slow things down. WardsAuto Dealer…

Save money on Thanksgiving

Excessive Spending Not Necessary At Thanksgiving

By Bill Fay | November 23, 2015

America’s holiday season has begun, which means excessive consumption is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. At least until it’s your turn to pick up the bill. There is no reason…

myRA Account is my retirement account

MyRA Account Starting Point For Retirement Savings

By Bill Fay | November 12, 2015

The United States government is opening the door to retirement savings for the millions of Americans who have nothing invested there, but a word of caution if you go inside:…

Student Cap on Money

Borrowers Get Another Way To Repay Student Loan Debt

By Bill Fay | October 29, 2015

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) announced it was imposing regulations to prevent colleges from steering students to specific debit and prepaid cards for use with federal grant and loan…

Jar full of coins intended for a 401K savings plan

Employers Up The Ante On 401k Plans

By Bill Fay | October 22, 2015

There is a new twist on the ages old discussion about how much is needed for retirement savings: Employers – not employees! – are taking the initiative. The Vanguard Group,…

Large cost for education

Workers Put Paying For Child’s College Ahead Of Retirement Savings

By Bill Fay | October 20, 2015

American workers have found another escape hatch to avoid contributing to their retirement savings and at least 33 percent of them say they would voluntarily take it. The LIMRA Secure…